47% of people with a mood, anxiety or substance abuse disorder believe they need mental health care and cite cost or lack of insurance as a primary reason for not obtaining care. We regularly work with clients who are financially strapped and emotionally bankrupt, unable to ask for help due to social exclusion and low self-esteem. Individual discrimination results in reduced assistance from family and friends.



It is remarkable to see the positivity in people when they understand that others care about them enough to obtain funding for services they need. Complete Family Foundation works with the community to help families obtain assistance to receive mental health evaluations and treatment. The Foundation also helps people get therapy and mentoring for substance abuse, mental illness, trauma-informed care, co-occurring disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders and domestic violence. The Foundation provides scholarships for individuals pursuing education in the Health and Human Services field and aid for those who seek vocational workshops and seminars.


What’s Special About Complete Family Foundation?

We Specialize in:

Trauma Therapy

Self-Esteem Building

Job Skills



When I started JOLT Nebraska in 2012, we developed the JOLT Nebraska Recovery/Communications skills training program to help felons recover from substance abuse and enhance their job opportunities after prison. JOLT Nebraska works with the Nebraska correctional system and substance abuse treatment centers in Lincoln and Omaha.

John Hall established Complete Family Treatment Services in 2019, with offices in Lincoln and Omaha. Complete Family’s treatment model places the holistic family and individual structure first to achieve healthy family outcomes. Treatment for substance abuse, mental illness, trauma-informed care, co-occurring disorders, PTSD and domestic violence are all practiced on an outpatient platform.

The partnership of JOLT Nebraska and credentialed therapists at Complete Family provides clients an opportunity to understand and comprehend their challenges and put together a plan allowing them to live a lifestyle of recovery. Our clients also will learn how to improve interpersonal relationships and understand strengths and weaknesses, enabling them to achieve their personal goals.